101 Least Known Working Titles For The Star Wars Prequels

  1. The Emperor's New Clones
  2. Never Give A Saga An Even Break
  3. An Interview With An Empire
  4. Prequel Opportunity
  5. Citizen Lucas
  6. Walker: Jedi Ranger
  7. Ishtar Wars
  8. Straight To Video
  9. Heaven's StarGate
  10. Starmageddon
  11. Three Men And A Boba
  12. JIB (Jedi In Black)
  13. Droids: The Movie
  14. At Least It's Not Another Ewok Adventure
  15. A Special Wookiee Yom Kippur
  16. We'll Fix It In Post
  17. Focus Takes A Holiday
  18. Fall Of The Receipts
  19. Buffy The Empire Slayer
  20. Forced Entry
  21. Tron II
  22. Yo-da Man!
  23. No, There Is Another
  24. No Refunds!
  25. My Own Private Episode
  26. Obi-Wannabe
  27. A Force Full Of Dollars
  28. Shakes The Clone
  29. A Galaxy Far, Far, Fetched...
  30. Tatooine 90210
  31. The Great Muppet Republic
  32. Bantha To The Future
  33. Teenage Mutant Jedi Warriors
  34. Talk To The Han!
  35. Alderaan Resurrecton
  36. Vader Tots! George Lucas' Jedi Babies
  37. The Prequel Has Landed
  38. Look Who's Skywalking
  39. Easy Money II
  40. Howard the Duck II
  41. Space: 1999
  42. My Left Fett
  43. Fall Of The Retailers
  44. Dune II
  45. Honey, I Shrunk The Saga!
  46. David Lynch Presents: (Salacious)Crumb
  47. Star Whores: The Empire Sells Out
  48. X-Wings: Fight The Future
  49. The Quick And The Droid
  50. Prequel Weapon
  51. Fast Times At Coruscant High
  52. Rich Man, Poor Man
  53. Ugnaughts: Caravan Of Courage
  54. A Totally Organa Experience
  55. Jabba Nice Day
  56. There's A Saga Born Every Minute
  57. Bothan, Can You Spare A Dime?
  58. Twins 2000
  59. Tales From The Dark Side II
  60. Another Last Emperor
  61. Romancing The Kaiburr Crystal
  62. Yak Face Returns
  63. SW-1
  64. Heartbeeps II
  65. Hologramland Murders
  66. Rebel Without A Clone
  67. Labyrinth II
  68. Republic Fiction
  69. The Kenobi Kid: Part I
  70. Boushh To The Future
  71. Computer-Generated Country Bear Jamboree
  72. Revenge Of The Jawa
  73. Green Harvest
  74. Jedibusters
  75. The Last Action Figure
  76. Star Wars: A New Hype
  77. Deep Star Sith
  78. The Blaster In Betty Lou's Handbag
  79. Corellian Graffiti
  80. Grease III
  81. www.starwarsepisodeone.com
  82. Bossk To The Future
  83. Where Prequels Dare
  84. Threepio Amigos!
  85. Opening Weekend Fiasco
  86. Starshank Redemption
  87. That Producer Puppet is Extremely Lifelike
  88. Dark Side Story
  89. Nerdstock
  90. That Darn Wookiee!
  91. Disney's Hunchback Of Mos Eisley
  92. Laugh It Up, Fuzzball!
  93. Toy Story II
  94. The Kenobi Fried Movie
  95. Something Wicket This Way Comes
  96. Dack And Me
  97. Wedge Of Night
  98. Spaceballs II
  99. Sales Does Matter
  100. The Young Anakin Skywalker Chronicles
  101. I'm Gonna Get You, Saga!

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