FAL Privacy Policy
12 February MMII
FAL will not sell, trade, distribute or disseminate any information about you. Ever.
- We have never sold (or purchased) information about any web surfer.
- We don't store any information about our visitors, clients or customers on a 'net-attached server.
- All we know about you is your e-mail address - and only if you've sent us e-mail - plus what's in our run-of-the-mill server logs (which, frankly, we don't examine except to do monthly totals).
- We do not log referring sites, so we don't know what site you were visiting right before you came to us.
- Having said that, where advertisers and tenants are concerned, we do our best to align ourselves with persons of integrity. If you are concerned about their conduct on FAL.net, please let us know.
- We have no third-party vendors. No other company, organization or person will get our permission to see our logs or contact lists.
- We have not sent e-mail to anyone who has not explicitly requested it or agreed to receive it - but we may try a one-time mailing, or two... sent only to people who have e-mailed or contacted us. (We get enough spam, ourselves. We won't send pleas for you to buy stuff or self-congratulatory notes about minor events. The kind of use we're thinking of is the announcement of a listserv or a new message board, so we can invite you to come and play... And if that's not agreeable, let us know and we will not e-mail you again.)
- We will never "munge" our e-mail headers or addresses.
- If you tell us you want to remain anonymous, we will zealously respect your wishes. We will never attribute your written or artistic contribution to you unless we have explicit permission first.
- We will not reproduce your e-mailed remarks or artwork in another medium (such as a printed book) if you tell us not to. Otherwise, if you respond to one of our creative works, we might be inclined to post or reprint your response. After all, FAL.net is visited by some of the wittiest people on Earth.
Of course, you already knew that.
For more information, or if we left something out... please contact us.
If by chance you want to get e-mail from us, knock yourself out.

March 1, MMII