These are a few of my favorite things, with either the distinction and advantage of being online or existing solely within
the realm of the web.
Local Good Stuff in Sacramento
Big Brother Comics
Located at 1722 J Street, Sacramento CA - this is where I go for my comics and I heartily endorse them. A good shop.
Body Tribe Fitness
Where I go to have strenuous fun.
Book Collector, The
The Book Collector has the distinction of being just around the corner from just about everything in the heart of Midtown.
As well as offering a variety of used, locally and independent press authored, and slightly new literature, The Book
Collector also is host to some monthly events. A good place to find books, a great place to get to know the literate in the
Midtown Grid
A hub for downtown commerce and culture, Midtown Grid (formerly SacMidtown) is a great start for anyone wanting to
familiarize themselves with what Downtown Sacramento has to offer. I did some work for them a while back.
Rock Ass
Keith Lowell Jensen does his cyber thing here. He hires me from time to time to kill people for him.
Famous People
Berkeley Breathed
Bruce Campbell Online
Clive Barker
C.S. Lewis Foundation
Daniel Clowes
H.R. Giger
Steven King
Strange and Unusual
Bitter Waitress
Our unsung heroes in the food service industry share their hwar stories with both the famous and wealthy, and the
average joe who should know better.
Brick Testament
The Bible as told through the magic of Legos.
Busey World
Gary Busey is unsane.
Eat Hufu
The Healthy Human Flesh Alternative!
Everquest Daily Grind: MMORPG Infinity (no beyond)
The haunting tales of those who have lost their own lives and the lives of loved ones to the online living death that is
known as MMO's.
Gone And Forgotten
They don't make comics like they used to. Comics from the Good Ol' Days that weren't that great.
Testicular Implantation For Pets.
Operation Clambake
Quite possibly the inner workings of Scientology, the religion of the clam people.
Smoking Gun
If you're going to go tabloid, do it all the way. The Smoking Gun is sort of the Police Gazette of popular culture.
JJ86's FOT Mapping Page - A topiary of Fallout Tactics editing knowledge.
No Mutants Allowed - Your Post Nuclear News Center.
Vault-Tec Games - Makers of the Awaken Fallout Tactics Mod.
Angry Asian Man - More Asian Than Asian.
Duane King - Artist and graphic designer I learned a lot of my mad skills from.
Edrants - Writer, literary podcaster.
Wockerjabby - Smart person.
